Coronavirus Action Resources

COVID-19 Resources

Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting:

This document from the CDC includes information for all areas of business - restaurants, healthcare, schools and college & university.

DIY Sanitation Audit Checklist

Customer Education Webinars

Grants 101: Finding, Applying and Being Awarded

Presented September 21, 2020

CEUs Available: AND, ANFP, ACF, SNA

Click here to request a copy of your certificate.

  • Name two sources of grant funding

  • Provide two examples of best practices for writing grant applications

  • Specify two best practices for steps to take after grant funding has been awarded

View Video

COVID-19 and the Impact on Non Commercial Operations

Presented May 14, 2020

  • Explain how COVID-19 impacts non-commercial operators in the near future in order to help operators plan for changes related to menu, meal service or staffing

  • State at least three expected changes to menu service or product mix. Use this information to help identify potential changes within your operation.

  • Outline best practices and identify at least one action that can be applied in your operation

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Safe Kitchens in Times on COVID-19

Presented May 19, 2020

  • Understanding the differences between foodservice sanitizing and environmental service disinfecting

  • Identifying EPA registered disinfectants to help fight COVID-19

  • Proper procedures to keep you, your employees and customers safe

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Portable & Delicious: Menu Design and Food Safety for Delivery

Presented May 21, 2020

  • Understand how COVID-19 is impacting the demand for meal delivery in the non-commercial segment today and in the near term future

  • Uncover examples and best practices for delivery menu options

  • Recite critical food safety factors to ensure safety of delivered meals

View video

Keeping a Good Team Together: Top Strategies to Engage and Motivate Your Foodservice As You Adapt to the Lingering Pandemic

Presented June 25, 2020

Click here to request a copy of your certificate.

  • Recitate at least two best practices to help with staff training and consider how those could be implemented in your operation.

  • Learn strategies to help make your staff more efficient in order to improve workflow in your organization.

  • Identify at least two new tools or resources available to help staff training, retention, or morale that would be beneficial in your operations

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Signs and Posters


Handwashing sign (National Restaurant Association)

Handwashing Poster

  • English

  • Spanish

  • Posters are also available for order through your Sales Representative

Practice Social Distancing (slide 2)

Wash Your Hands (slide 3)

Clean Credit Card (slide 4)

Keep Distance


Array Coronavirus Guide

Array Product Information

EPA Disinfectant List

Idea Center Article: Disinfecting in the Time of COVID-19

Articles related to food safety

Food Handling Safety for Portability

Grab and Go: Food Safety

Healthcare only - Emergency Preparedness

Resources/Training related to safety

Safety Resources and PPE - Check with Sales Rep for availability.

ServSafe and Delivery: COVID-19 Precautions - Two new, free training videos that address COVID-19 precautions for takeout and delivery. Available in English and Spanish.

Disaster Relief Food Safety Training - This free course is designed to instruct volunteer food workers on general food safety principles to ensure safe food handling while serving those in need.

Food Safety Basics Training Topic

Food Safety Training Topics Page

Reheating labels

Rouxbe link

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics/Coronavirus Page

-Includes food safety information and resources that may be helpful to share with your staff about keeping families safe at home.