
Gordon Food Service offers resources designed to help our customers both understand gluten intolerances and be able to accommodate those following a gluten-free diet.

Sample Menu

The gluten-free sample menu has been written to offer meal ideas and variety; however it is not intended to offer recipe specific menu items. It is important to focus on gluten-free products. We have provided a resource on how to use the filters in Online Ordering to find gluten-free products. This information is provided by the manufacturer and confirms that it meets the gluten-free labeling laws. Prior to serving the product, you should confirm the ingredient information on the actual label of the product.

Other Resources

The 'Understanding Gluten Intolerance' document below addresses frequently asked questions regarding gluten. We also have provided search tips to easily identify gluten-free products within Online Ordering in your order guide or the product catalog.

The manufacturers of our Gordon Food Service private brand products have confirmed if the products meet this regulation. You will see a new icon, exclusive to Gordon Food Service private brand products, indicating that the product is gluten-free. This icon, shown below, will appear on packaging; lower left quadrant of front of the package will carry the vertical icon, the horizontal icon will appear under the ingredient statement.

For more information, please contact the Nutrition Resource Center at (800) 968-4426 or email