Coronavirus Healthcare Resources

COVID-19 Healthcare Resources

Resources for a return to a “new normal” in Senior Living and Healthcare:

Resetting the Table with Confidence and Best Practices

Simple Solution to Serve Up Employee or Family Meals

If you are looking for solutions to expand grab and go offerings or employee/family meal offerings, consider the resources below. This is includes a low labor solution complete with nutrition and reheating or cooking labels to get you started:

-Simple Solution to Serve Up Meals (with labels)

Micro Market Concept - Provide essentials to your essential employees

-Learn more here

-View this presentation to help you implement

Resources to help:

-Square Online Store

-Printable Signs:

-Practice Social Distancing (slide 2)

-Wash Your Hands (slide 3)

-Clean Credit Card (slide 4)

-Keep Distance

-Signage and tools from Visual Graphic Services (VGS): Contact your Gordon Food Service Sales Representative to help make a personal connection to VGS

-Be inspired: Learn from other operators in this short podcast “Micro Market: Providing Essentials for Your Essentials”

Infection Control Resources

Infection Control COVID-19 Precautions: Best Practices for Foodservice Operations in Healthcare and Senior Living Setting

Labor Resources:

Staffing Strategies for COVID-19

Two - Week Convenience/Temporary Menu

-Intended for temporary use during crisis situations

-The menu follows the My Plate Meal Pattern guidelines to comply with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) regulation F-Tag 803 (see below)

CMS F803:

-Menus must: Meet the nutritional needs of residents in accordance with established national guidelines

-Diets available: Regular, Pureed and Mechanical Soft

-Questions contact

-Also available to all Cycle Menu Management users under Manage Menu Cycles

Week at a Glance

Nutrition (Regular Diet)

Diet Spreadsheet


-Contact your sales representative or for other supporting documents such as Shopping List and/or Division Substitution Lists.

Consistency-Modified Culinary Training

During this unprecedented time, healthcare operators may be quickly onboarding new Food and Nutrition Services team members to meet their staffing needs. Operators may find these new employees do have a food service background yet the unique healthcare skills important for safely feeding patients or residents may present a training opportunity. Turn to this handbook for a tool and solution to help train new employees on consistency-modified diets.

Tastefully Balanced To Go Meals

-Scroll down to access Tastefully Balanced information

-Note: these meals are designed as part of a balanced meal and do not necessarily replace full nutrition requirements in certain settings.

Grab and Go / Individually Wrapped Items

Individually Wrapped List

Standard Emergency Preparedness Resources

Health and Wellness Guide - See Emergency Preparedness Section (p. 44)

Sample Standard 7 Day Emergency Planning Menu (shelf stable storage)

Contact your Gordon Food Service Sales Representative for regional specific menu and item lists.

Meals for All

2020 Meals for All Brochure

Contact your Gordon Food Service Sales Representative for more information on ordering these emergency preparedness options.

The CDC recommended strategies to optimize supply of N95 respirators include storing in a “clean, breathable container such as a paper bag between uses." These bags are available to help.

Storage Bags

Resources / Links for Healthcare Operators