Additional Resources

Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE):

In 2012, FARE was formed as a result of the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) and the Food Allergy Initiative (FAI) organization merging together. FARE is currently the leading national organization working with food allergies. There are many resources available for both noncommercial and commercial settings.

School Solutions

This document provided from FARE outlines the responsibilities of families, schools, and students in minimizing the risks and providing a safe environment for students with food allergies.

ServSafe Allergen

Target Audience: All food service employees

The ServSafe Allergens™ online, interactive course drives home critical information your employees and managers need in order to accommodate guests with food allergies. The ServSafe Allergens online course covers such topics as identifying allergens, communication with the guest, preventing cross-contact, food labels and more. This course and exam are all completed online.

Click here to access and purchase the course offerings

Click here for instructions to purchase the course