Coronavirus Education Resources

COVID-19 Education Resources

Back to School Resources

Don't expect "Back to School" to look the same this year. Here are best practices to help operators navigate changes.

Back to School Guide

Best Practices for School Foodservice

School Staffing Strategies Guide

If you don’t see a menu specific to your DC, please reach out to your Sales Rep or

Back to School Menu

This menu is a two-week cycle based mainly on individually wrapped items.

Back to School Individually Wrapped Menu Springfield, OH K-8

Back to School Individually Wrapped Menu Springfield, OH 9-12

Back to School Individually Wrapped Menu Shepherdsville, KY K-8

Back to School Individually Wrapped Menu Shepherdsville, KY 9-12

Back to School Individually Wrapped Menu Brighton and Grand Rapids, MI K-8

Back to School Individually Wrapped Menu Brighton and Grand Rapids, MI 9-12

Back to School Individually Wrapped Menu Kenosha, WI K-8

Back to School Individually Wrapped Menu Kenosha, WI 9-12

Back to School Traditional Menu

This menu is a two-week cycle and includes a combination of items and simple recipes

Back to School Traditional Menu Springfield, OH K-8

Back to School Traditional Menu Springfield, OH 9-12

Back to School Traditional Menu Shepherdsville, KY K-8

Back to School Traditional Menu Shepherdsville, KY 9-12

Back to School Traditional Menu Brighton and Grand Rapids, MI K-8

Back to School Traditional Menu Brighton and Grand Rapids, MI 9-12

Back to School Traditional Menu Kenosha, WI K-8

Back to School Traditional Menu Kenosha, WI 9-12

Summer and Emergency Feeding Menus

This menu is based on Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) regulations and focuses on mainly individually wrapped items.

SFSP Individually Wrapped Menu

This menu is based on Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) regulations and includes a combinations of items and simple recipes.

SFSP Individually Wrapped Menu Springfield, OH

SFSP Individually Wrapped Menu Shepherdsville, KY

SFSP Individually Wrapped Menu Brighton and Grand Rapids, MI

SFSP Individually Wrapped Menu Kenosha, WI

SFSP Traditional Menu

SFSP Traditional Menu Springfield, OH

SFSP Traditional Menu Shepherdsville, KY

SFSP Traditional Menu Brighton and Grand Rapids, MI

SFSP Traditional Menu Kenosha, WI

Menu Substitutions

Use the commodity product lists below to help identify product substitutions, if needed.

You can also refer to additional products lists for K12: Whole-Grain, Meat/Meat/Alternatives, CN labeled (Available on Making the Grade)

Menu Substitutions Springfield, OH

Menu Substitutions Shepherdsville, KY

Menu Substitutions Brighton and Grand Rapids, MI

Menu Substitutions Kenosha, WI

Emergency and Summer Feeding Support

Review this resource for considerations for a successful summer or emergency feeding program, as always, refer to state and local agencies for your specific guidance.

Meal Service Solutions

Ideas for meal service carts and containers, which may be helpful for meals in the classroom.

Food Safety and Infection Control

Cleaning and Sanitizing in the Classroom

Food Safety cards - consider including with meals to-go

Safer Schools Program: Infection Prevention


Employee Morale Tool - use this to make a plan for appreciating and motivating your teams

Tastefully Balanced To Go Meals

-Scroll down to access Tastefully Balanced information

K-12 Grab and Go Menus


After school

Individually Wrapped Product List

-Scroll down to Product Lists

Individually Wrapped Menu based on Summer Foodservice Program (SFSP) guidelines


-These guidelines are acceptable for providing meals at sites during Coronavirus-related school closures

-See USDA Memo: Meal Service During Unanticipated School Closures

Individually Wrapped Menu based on National School Lunch Program (NSLP) guidelines

K-8 Menu

9-12 Menu

Resources / Links for Education Operators

School Nutrition Association/Coronavirus Resources

National Association of College and University Food Service